RideWithGPS Premium on Club Routes
Lone Star Cyclists has established a
club membership to RidewithGPS. This membership benefit is available to all current members of Lone Star Cyclists. To activate this benefit
Click Here (note: the link will not work unless you are logged in)
Careflight Discount
CareFlite Now Offering Major Discount for Cyclists

We are happy to announce that we have received a group offer from CareFlite. CareFlite has emergency helicopter transportation as well as ground transportation. They are a non profit organization that works in cooperation with Baylor Healthcare Systems, JPS Health Network, Methodist Health Systems, Parkland, and Texas Health Resources. Their emergency transportation insurance is regularly $49 per year, but we are being offered this same coverage for only $12 per year.
To learn more about CareFlite and get details about the coverage being offered click here. To enroll in this coverage simply download the enrollment form, fill it out and send it in along with your payment to CareFlite. Coverage includes you and your household. This offer is being extended to our friends and family as well.
Enrollment Form